Consecration Acres

"If ye labor with all your might, I will consecrate that spot that it shall be made holy."

A brief report

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We keep having overly busy weekends that don’t allow for chunks of time to write. And I know that some people dread Monday mornings, but I usually wake up energized, optimistic and ready to go at the whole thing again and not in the mood to sit or reflect on the past week. I am only posting now courtesy of Grace—Joseph is napping and she has insisted upon a lap and not a mother running about, determined to get it all done this week.

Grace was incredibly sick last week. She awoke Sunday morning with a fever, no appetite and very lethargic, but we couldn’t figure out exactly what was wrong as she has a tendency not to answer questions or volunteer information. I kept her hydrated, gave her stuff to try to improve her immune response and kept her hydrated with an herbal tea she liked, but it wasn’t until that evening, when she was lying with her head on my lap, that I happened to look in her ear and see evidence that her eardrum had ruptured. Poor thing. She was still in pretty bad shape until Tuesday and even since then she consistently runs out of steam by afternoon, which means that we’ve been watching a lot of movies to keep her mind off her sorows. She appears to have lost some hearing–enough that I have to raise my voice to get her attention and enunciate once I’ve got it. I have been reassured that it is almost certainly temporary, but it is still distressing and I look forward to a return to normal.

In barnyard news…we are drowning in eggs. The mystery birds are all laying consistently and their eggs have grown nearly to normal (grocery store large) size. It seems always to be drought or deluge with this. The whole steady food supply thing is strictly the result of industrialized food production.

Penny came back smelling so buck-ey that we threw away her milk for two full days.  Her buck avoidance may just have been for show.  We are certainly hoping so!

And…we have meat birds getting killed again…not by us. Isaiah is outside trying to beat the sunset, working to get the electric fence set up. Hopefully, it all goes well. These birds get increasingly pricey.

The kids insist that we had frost on our deck this morning and Elijah reports that people scraped ice off their windshields in town. The weather report and my weather monitor both say we were in the 40s. I don’t know what to make of this.  I never got outside to check on the remains of the summer garden…

Kitchen work has gone pretty well this week. The kids and I canned a couple more boxes of applesauce, a few jars of pear and apple butter and dehydrated pears and tomatoes. The sourdough is also fantastic. I can’t believe how much bread we eat when it tastes that good. I am ready for wheat prices to drop again!

I am also ready for a healthy family and a productive week.  Here’s hoping!


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